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PLO high official calls terrorists "freedom fighters" and promises to continue paying their salaries

Headline: “Majdalani: The prisoners’ cause is a central national cause and is among the leadership’s priorities”



“Secretary-General of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF) and PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Ahmed Majdalani said: ‘The prisoners’ cause is a central national cause and is among the leadership’s priorities.’

During a phone conversation with the father of prisoner Kamal Abu Wa’er (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of at least 4), who has been imprisoned for 17 years and whose medical condition has deteriorated as a result of cancer of the throat and vocal chords from which he is suffering, he added that the prisoners in the prisons are freedom fighters, and the leadership will not relinquish its moral and national obligation towards them and towards their families…

He also reemphasized the rejection of the American and Israeli blackmail regarding the salaries (rawatib) of the prisoners and detainees.”




Ahmed Majdalani – Secretary-General of the terror organization Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), PLO Executive Committee member, head of the PLO Department of Labor and Planning (since August 2018), and former PA Minister of Social Development (since April 2019-Feb. 26, 2024), Secretary-General of the terror organization Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), PLO Executive Committee member, and head of the PLO Department of Labor and Planning (since August 2018)

Kamal Abu Wa’er – Palestinian terrorist and member of the PA Presidential Security Force 17 who participated in a number of lethal terror attacks including: the murder of Israeli border policeman Madhat Yousef in a shooting attack at Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus on Oct. 1, 2000; the murder of Rabbi Benjamin Herling in a shooting attack at Mount Eival on Oct. 19, 2000; the shooting and murder of Arnaldo Agranionic, a guard at the town of Itamar, on May 8, 2001; and the murder of 16-year-old Aliza Malka in a drive-by shooting near the entrance of Kibbutz Meirav on Aug. 9, 2001. Abu Wa'er was serving 6 life sentences and died in prison in November 2020.

Later, the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs announced that cancer patient prisoner Kamal Abu Wa’erhas recovered from the Coronavirus after having become sick with it approximately two weeks ago.”[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 7, 2020]

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