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PA TV: Balfour Declaration was Europe's "solution to get rid of them (the Jews)"

Excerpt from the film Fatah: Revolution until Victory, originally broadcast on Jan. 1, 2013 in honor of Fatah's 48th anniversary:

"Faced with the Jews' schemes, Europe could not bear their character traits, monopolies, corruption, and their control and climbing up positions in government. In 1290, King Edward I issued a decree banishing the Jews [from England]. Following him were France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Italy. The European nations felt that they had suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews. Later the Jews obtained the Balfour Declaration, and Europe saw it as an ideal solution to get rid of them."

Note: This video was originally broadcast on official PA TV, Jan. 1, 2013, and rebroadcast on Nov. 11, 2014, Dec. 31, 2015 and Jan. 3, 2016. It was broadcast on Fatah-run Awdah TV on Feb. 18, 2015.

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