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PA daily falsely claims that 1969 Al-Aqsa Mosque arsonist was Jewish, Israel interfered with fighting the fire

Headline: “The 48th anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Mosque arson, and the crime continues”
“Today is the 48th anniversary of the arson of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. On Aug. 21, 1969, Jewish extremist Michael Denis Rohan (sic., Rohan was a mentally ill Christian) lit a fire in the eastern wing of the mosque, which spread to all of its contents… The [Arab] civilians succeeded in saving what was left of the Al-Aqsa Mosque before the fire could overcome it, after firefighting trucks came quickly from the cities of Hebron, Bethlehem, and different regions of the West Bank and the Arab towns in order to save the Al-Aqsa Mosque . This is despite the occupation authorities’ attempts to prevent them from doing this, and the fact that they stopped the water to the area around the mosque precisely on the day of the arson (sic., there is no evidence for these claims). The occupation [Jerusalem] Municipality’s firefighting trucks were also intentionally late in arriving so as not to participate in putting out the fire (sic., Israeli firefighters arrived within minutes but rioting Muslims interfered with their work and broke the only fire hydrant at the site). After Israel caught the perpetrator, an Australian citizen who came to Palestine as a tourist, it used the excuse that he was ‘insane’ in order to transport him to the place of his birth, Australia, after he was in a psychiatric hospital next to Acre for a short period.”

Michael Rohan - deranged Australian Christian who set fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969. For years, the Palestinian Authority has falsely accused Israel of setting the fire.

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