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Russian Internet Provider Shuts Down Palestinian Site

A major Moscow Internet-provider has blocked one of its sites after it appeared to be a page aimed at preaching the moral desirability of being a suicide terrorist via cartoons and children"s stories, the internet news agency reports.
The site glorified martyrdom and presented the deaths of terrorists attacking Israelis as a cause for celebration, but now all the propaganda materials have been replaced with an inscription in Russian: "Account [temporarily] unavailable. Please, address the technical support team."
Radio Liberty claims that the domain registered on the name of Lebanese citizen Nizar al-Hussien was purchased via another Russian company that provides professional web-hosting for Russia's major news agency Interfax and Sport TV channel. It was registered as long ago as 2002, but cartoons and stories appeared only on Feb. 24, 2006.
According to Israeli National News, one of the stories on the site quoted a mother saying that when she heard her son had become a shahid, a martyr, she bought dates, candies and coffee to give out. An entire section of the site was called "Stories of the Shahids." One of them honored Hamas terrorist Naseem Ja'abari, who murdered 16 people when he blew himself up on a bus in Be'er Sheva on Aug. 31, 2004.
The page was egalitarian in its encouragement of martyrdom, with a prominently featured drawing of a religiously garbed girl participating in violent attacks on both the homepage and on a second page. The drawing was accompanied by a poem glorifying Jihad, Islamic conquest, and Islamic martyrdom.

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