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“Jews are arrogant by nature, don't accept the other,” The Protocols of the Elders of Zion teach Jews they are “masters” over mankind - Palestinian researcher

Palestinian researcher Muhammad Al-Yahya: “The Jews are arrogant by nature. They don’t accept the other. They always stick to themselves. The Europeans hated them and wanted to get rid of them, and therefore one of the interests of the European states… was to get rid of the Jews, so the idea started of establishing a Jewish state for the Jews… Their [Jewish] thinking is based on racism that caused them to be hated everywhere. The Zionist thinking is based on them being ‘God’s chosen people.’ In the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (i.e., an antisemitic forgery), in what was leaked of [it], there is a parenthetical sentence that they are fulfilling that has caused them to be hated by all peoples: ‘God created the land, and afterwards He created man to prepare the land for them [the Jews], and afterwards He created them so that they would be masters over them.’ The pure Jew has the outlook that he is of the people chosen by God." 

[Official PA TV, Returning, Jan. 17, Feb. 27, May 14, 2023]

Note that official PA TV chose to broadcast these lies at least 3 times.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - an antisemitic forgery describing in precise detail a fictitious Jewish plan to subjugate humanity under Jewish rule. It was published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages. In 1921, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was exposed as a false document.

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