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PLO “saluted the Palestinian people’s legendary resolve in the courageous popular uprising” (i.e., terror wave)

Headline: “[Fatah’s] Executive Committee stressed that it is impossible to continue fulfilling the [PA’s] obligations, if Israeli continues to deny its own”
“The PLO Executive Committee stated that it is impossible to continue fulfilling our obligations, if the occupation government (Israel) [parentheses in source] continues to deny its [own] obligations.
This statement was made during its [PLO Executive Committee’s] meeting yesterday [April 4, 2016] evening at the Presidential Headquarters in Ramallah, which was headed by [President] Mahmoud Abbas… The Executive Committee proudly saluted the Palestinian people’s legendary resolve in the courageous popular uprising, and the fulfillment of their right of self-defense against the occupation regime (Israel) [parenthesis in source] in addition to the crimes carried out by the settlers under protection of the Israeli army…”

The terms "all means," "peaceful uprising,” and “popular uprising" are ‎often used by PA leaders to refer to events that include violence and deadly terror ‎against Israeli civilians such as rock-throwing, stabbings and even shootings. See ‎Mahmoud Abbas' reference to murderous terror as "peaceful" during the 2015-2016 ‎terror wave (“The Knife Intifada”), which included numerous stabbings, shootings and car ramming attacks in which 40 people were killed (36 Israelis, 1 Palestinian, 2 Americans and 1 Eritrean) and hundreds wounded:

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