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PLO official:” Israel’s “crimes… exceeds the Nazis' crimes by a few levels”

Headline: "Bassam Abu Sharif: [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel must express the German people’s standpoint regarding the Palestinian people"
"[PLO Central Council member and former advisor to Yasser Arafat] Bassam Abu Sharif demanded that German Chancellor [Angela] Merkel express the standpoint of the German people without fear complexes stemming from what the Nazis did, through support of the Palestinian struggle for freedom and recognition of the Palestinian people’s right to establish its independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. Bassam Abu Sharif added that all of the German citizens see with their own eyes the crimes being perpetrated by the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people, and there is no doubt that the barbaric manner in which the Ashkenazis (i.e., Jews of European descent) perpetrate their crimes against children… exceeds the Nazis' crimes by a few levels, as the Ashkenazis are perpetrating their war crimes against an entire people."

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