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Official PA daily: The Palestinian people "is capable of extracting all of its historical rights from the mouth of the occupying Israeli cancer"

Headline: "The Karameh battle"
Excerpt from op-ed by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, a columnist for the official PA daily, in his regular column
 "The memory of the Karameh battle has special significance at the moment in the conflict with the Israeli enemy… in order to turn the attention of the entire spectrum of Israeli leaders to [the fact that] the Palestinian people, which adheres to the option of peace, and which has made the political concessions demanded of it in advance, is capable of turning the table on the heads of all those leaders, without exception, and is capable of extracting all of its historical rights from the mouth of the occupying Israeli cancer."

The Karameh battle, or Al-Karameh - On March 21, 1968, Israeli army forces attacked the town of Karameh in Jordan, where Fatah terrorists had been launching attacks on Israel. Although Israel prevailed militarily, Arafat used the event for propaganda purposes, declaring the battle a great victory that erased the disgrace of the 1967 Six Day War defeat.

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