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PLO official: Israel murdered Arafat and now threatens Abbas

“At the end of its evening session in Kuwait yesterday [Jan. 19, 2014], the United Arab Parliament called on the Arab countries to fulfill their financial commitments to support the Palestinian budget…
In a speech to the Parliament, [former] Chairman of the Palestinian National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) Salim Al-Za'anoun… addressed the Palestinian leadership’s position, which rejects the pressure and threats of withholding aid in the event that [it] fail to comply with the proposals it has received – [threats] which included harming the permanent rights of our people, as well as the declarations and accompanying open threats from high-ranking Israeli officials against the life of President Mahmoud Abbas, which were similar to those that preceded the murder of Martyr (Shahid) President Yasser Arafat.”
From WAFA, official PA news agency

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