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Times of Israel reports on PMW bulletin on PA youth magazine promoting rock throwing

TOI Staff  |
Poem in PA-sponsored kids magazine encourages rock-throwing

'Sing by the order of Prophet [Muhammad] that we carry a rock that we will throw' at Jews, verse reads

By TOI Staff
A kids magazine partly supported by the Palestinian Authority published a poem that said the Muslim Prophet Mohammad encouraged youth to throw stones at Jews.

“Sing by the order of Prophet [Muhammad] that we carry a rock / That we will throw at the people of the Gharqad [tree],” reads the poem, published in Zayzafuna’s October issue.

“The people of the Gharqad [tree]” is a religious euphemism for the Jewish people in Islamic tradition.

The Israeli watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported on the poem’s publication on Sunday and published a translation.

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