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Coffin burnt at Fatah protest against Bahrain Conference and US peace plan: "The deal of the century and the workshop in Manama [Bahrain] died even before they were born"

Posted text: "The activities of the Fatah Movement Jericho and Jordan Valley branch against the deal of the century (refers to US President Donald Trump's as yet not fully published Middle East peace plan) and the Bahrain workshop (refers to US-led conference in June 2019 focusing on economic aspects of Trump's Middle East peace plan –Ed.)."

The pictures show a coffin on the ground with a white cloth with writing on it draped over it, people gathered by it, and a man setting the cloth covering the coffin on fire; people holding the burning coffin aloft and waving Palestinian and Fatah flags.

Text on coffin: "The deal of the century and the workshop in Manama [Bahrain] died even before they were born"


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