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Song encourages sacrifice of children for Palestine – on official PA radio

The Voice of Palestine, official PA radio station  |

"I Love You, Palestine, From the Bottom of My Heart" by Palestinian singer Ammar Hassan:
“I love you Palestine from the bottom of my heart,
I love you, my land.
You are in [my] eyes and soul,
And I will redeem you with my children”

This song, "I Love You, Palestine, From the Bottom of My Heart" by Palestinian singer Ammar Hassan, was broadcast by the official PA radio station The Voice of Palestine on the following dates: Jan. 2, 5, 9, 10, 12, 22, 23, Feb. 12, 20, 22, March 2, 20, April 10, 14, May 1, 14, 17, June 4, 19, Aug. 15, Dec. 14, 28 2019; Jan. 8, 15, 17, 18, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 2020.

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