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PA encourages Martyrdom: “The Martyr of the revolution will be led in a wedding procession”

Official PA TV Live  |

"Days that pass
and tell the stories of my land...
Welcome! Welcome!
Above the hill, under the hill
Between valley and valley
Woe to the occupier before us
The revolution paved [the way of] the trigger for me
Welcome! Welcome! ...
A revolution of glory that won’t be humiliated by the passersby
If you ask about us –
you will be convinced
You will find me and my children!
Welcome! Welcome! ...
The Martyr of the revolution will be led
in a wedding procession
on the day that Martyrdom-death
is granted to him"

According to Islamic belief, a Martyr marries 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. Therefore a Martyr’s funeral is considered a “wedding.” Becoming a Martyr represents the highest religious achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

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