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When funding terror is more important than rehabilitating child terrorists ‎

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.‎  |

EU funding and the priorities of Palestinian NGOs

While the European Union continues its efforts to support Palestinian society, ‎for at least one Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), it would ‎appear that the freedom to funnel EU funds‏ ‏to EU designated terror ‎organizations is more important than rehabilitating Palestinian child terrorists. ‎

As Palestinian Media Watch has conclusively shown, the Palestinian Authority ‎indoctrinates Palestinian children to hate Jews and Israel and to seek Israel's ‎destruction; brainwashes Palestinian children to admire murderers; and ‎weaponizes Palestinian children while promoting their participation in violence. ‎And the brainwashing and indoctrination has proved successful. Thousands of ‎Palestinian children and teens have adopted these views taking an active part ‎in terror, including scores who have attacked Israeli citizens. Some of the ‎brainwashed teens have murdered Israeli civilians.‎

Hoping to influence, and possibly counter, the brainwashing these child ‎terrorists have undergone, the European Union funds a number of programs ‎designed to assist these kids. ‎

According to the EU’s Financial Transparency System (FTS), one of the ‎recipients of considerable EU funding in 2017 - 2019 was the Palestine section ‎of Defense of the Child International (DCI-P). In one instance, DCI-P was one of ‎four Palestinian NGOs that shared an EU grant of €981,298. In 2019, DCI-P was ‎the sole recipient of a €732,477 EU grant. ‎

However, for financial year 2020, the EU added an elementary anti-terror ‎precondition to all of its external NGO funding. In order to be eligible for funding, ‎the grant beneficiaries are now required to ensure that EU funding does not ‎pass through them to EU designated terror organizations:‎

“1.5 bis. Grant beneficiaries and contractors must ensure that there is no ‎detection of subcontractors, natural persons, including participants to ‎workshops and/or trainings and recipients of financial support to third ‎parties, in the lists of EU restrictive measures.” ‎

[Website of the European Commission]‎

While one would assume that any branch of Defense of the Child International ‎would easily be able to commit that no funds it receives, irrespective of the ‎donor, would ever find their way into the hands of designated terror ‎organizations, for DCI-P this is not the case. ‎

Incredibly, DCI-P Director Khaled Quzmar said that his organization had rejected ‎the EU funding, rather than accept the EU condition not to pass money on to ‎designated terror organizations, which he called a “political condition.” Clearly, ‎DCI-P is prioritizing terror over rehabilitating children. ‎

Attacking the administrative process by which the EU decides which ‎organizations to designate as terror organizations, which is similar in nature to ‎the practices of most countries in the world, Quzmar irrationally argued: ‎

‎“There is no problem in dealing with any condition that is consistent with ‎the law, but before any Palestinian or international institution or ‎organization is put on the terror list there must be a fair trial… We think ‎that no fair trial was held before [formulating] the European terror lists. On ‎the contrary, they are the result of a political decision as part of the Israeli ‎pressure on the EU.’‎

[Anadolu, Turkish state-run news agency, Sept. 22, 2020]‎

The Palestinian organizations that Quzmar apparently believes were designated ‎as terror organizations without sufficient justification, include: ‎

  • The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades - Fatah’s military wing responsible for ‎the commission of hundreds of terror attacks that claimed the lives of ‎hundreds of Israelis; ‎
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) - a homicidal Islamic fundamentalist ‎group whose only purpose is to carry out acts of terror. PIJ is also ‎responsible for hundreds of terror attacks that have claimed the lives of ‎scores of innocent people.‎
  • Hamas - A homicidal Islamic fundamentalist group committed to the use ‎of violence to bring about the destruction of Israel. Hamas is also ‎responsible for hundreds of terror attacks that have claimed the lives of ‎hundreds of innocent people.‎
  • The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) - A communist ‎group that has been involved in terror attacks for over five decades. Most ‎recently, PFLP terrorists carried out the bombing attack in which 17 year-‎old Rina Schnerb was murdered, and her brother and father were ‎seriously wounded.  ‎

Clearly, Quzmar, who presents himself as a human rights activist who runs the ‎local branch of an international NGO that is meant to be devoted to the best ‎interests of children, and which is the recipient of millions of dollars of ‎donations, does not believe that groups who target and murder Israelis including ‎civilians, in systematic terror campaigns, should be designated as terror ‎organizations. ‎

For years, Quzmar and DCI-P have been lying about the Israeli law enforcement ‎to the EU. His argument is that Israel’s arrest and prosecution of the PA’s child ‎terrorists is an inherent breach of their rights. Such child terrorists include ‎murderers such as Hakim Awad, 17, who murdered five members of the Fogel ‎family; Morad A-Dayis, 16, who murdered Israeli nurse Dafna Meir; Khalil ‎Jabarin, 16, who murdered Ari Fuld; and many others. ‎

The EU, which appears to have been all too willing to believe the lies, has ‎provided Quzmar and DCI-P with hundreds of thousands of euros to ‎‎“rehabilitate” the child terrorists and provide protection against the “rights ‎violations”. ‎

When accepting these lies, perhaps the EU missed the interview with the DCI-P ‎Accountability Program Director, Ayed Abu Qteish, on official PA TV, in which ‎he explained that many of the child terrorists carry out their attacks due to social ‎pressure: ‎

Ayed Abu Qteish: "There are children who, when they were in prison, ‎told the lawyer: 'I want to be imprisoned.' The first time [the child] was ‎imprisoned, he didn't confess, and they released him because there was ‎no evidence to convict him in the Israeli military court. The second time, ‎there was no evidence either. The third time, he wanted to be imprisoned ‎so that his image won't be hurt in the eyes of his friends, even though ‎he is actually innocent... In several cases [Palestinian children] ‎carried out stabbing operations because of the way the public looks ‎at them. They realized 'the best way to clear myself of this image [of ‎helping Israel] is to participate in resistance operations.'"‎

[Official PA TV, Personal Encounter, Oct. 11, 2017]‎

When allocating funding, the EU also appears to have missed the alleged ties ‎between DCI-P and the internationally recognized terror organization the PFLP. ‎Among the numerous other signs, the EU appears to have missed the fact that ‎one of DCI-P’s field workers, Hashem Abu Maria simultaneously “served as the ‎coordinator of DCI-Palestine’s community mobilization unit” while also acting as ‎a “leader,” in the PFLP, as NGO Monitor has documented.‎

While Quzmar claims that the EU procedures for the proscription of terror ‎organizations are the basis of his refusal to receive EU donations, there are two ‎other possible explanations. The first, is the close association of DCI-P with the ‎EU designated PFLP terror group. Accepting the EU condition would mean that ‎DCI-P accepts that its murderous associate organization, and other ‎organizations such as Hamas and PIJ, are indeed terror organizations and that ‎DCI-P is prohibited from funding them.‎ The second possibility is DCI-P’s desire to avoid persecution and prosecution at ‎the hands of the PA. ‎

While the new EU clause simply prohibits NGO’s who receive EU aid from ‎funding EU designated terror organizations, the PA has a different approach. ‎Referring to the new EU funding clause, the PA Head of the Commission for Non-‎Governmental Organizations, Sultan Abu Al-Einein, declared that agreement to ‎the condition would “violate the principles of the Palestinian people” and would ‎not "go unpunished". ‎

‎“Some countries or international institutions are in intensive contact with ‎‎[Palestinian organizations carrying out] non-governmental activities, in ‎order to [make] them sign documents that may violate the principles of the ‎Palestinian people, in exchange for funding their social and cultural ‎programs and activities…‎
Abu Al-Einein again warned that consent to such funding is a betrayal ‎of the homeland and a deviation from the national line, something that ‎will not go unpunished. He stressed that the relevant parties will work ‎to persecute these organizations on legal and national level, and to ‎expose those who head them to the Palestinian public, which unites ‎around its national principles.”‎

[WAFA, the official PA news agency, Oct. 12, 2020]‎

The PA sees, the internationally designated terror groups, as legitimate ‎Palestinian factions who have an inherent right to receive EU funding. In the ‎eyes of the PA, the rights of these terror organizations to use international funding to ‎further their terror goals, even outweigh the desire of the EU to help better ‎Palestinian civil society.   ‎

Whatever his reasons may be, Quzmar and DCI-P’s refusal to commit to a ‎simple and elementary anti-terror funding requirement - which should be an ‎obvious and simple requirement for any NGO, and particularly for an NGO that ‎deals with children - should sound all types of alarm bells in the EU. In order to ‎ensure that EU funding does not end up in the coffers of EU designated terror ‎organizations, the EU should meticulously implement its new funding condition.   ‎

The following is a longer excerpt of the interview with Quzmar and the ‎statements by Abu Al-Einein:‎

Headline: “A Palestinian organization: Donors are excluding children released ‎‎[from prison] from their projects”‎
‎“The Palestinian [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club said on Tuesday [Sept. 22, 2020] ‎that donors have pulled their funding for initiatives to rehabilitate children who ‎were released from the Israeli prison…‎
It referred to the new trend of some of the donors: Demanding to consider a ‎number of the Palestinian factions as illegal due to them being ‘terrorist entities,’ ‎and this is in the framework of the civil society organizations’ funding contracts.‎
The club welcomed ‘the position of the organizations that refused to sign the ‎conditional funding contracts,’ but expressed ‘deep concern over the agreement ‎of other Palestinian organizations (whose names it did not mention) ‎‎[parentheses in source] to sign this condition.’‎
It should be noted that in December 2019, the European Union (EU) added new ‎clauses to funding agreements for the civil society organizations in 2020. One of ‎them determined that the names of those who appear in any way on the EU’s ‎restrictive measures lists will not benefit [from the funding].‎
The Prisoners’ Club emphasized that ‘This kind of conditioning by the donors, ‎and especially the Europeans, constitutes a blow to the Palestinian people’s ‎right to self-determination, legitimate struggle, establishing political forces, and ‎defending the male and female freedom fighters.’‎
It called ‘to completely remove this condition from the funding contracts, and not ‎to impose it on the Palestinian organizations.’‎
The club also called ‘on the organizations that have agreed to the humiliating ‎funding condition to recant,’ and emphasized: ‘The program to rehabilitate ‎released child prisoners must be a matter of pure human rights, which is not ‎subjected to political conditions.’‎
Director of Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP) Khaled ‎Quzmar said that his non-profit organization ‘has already refused to sign on ‎conditional funding for a project for released child prisoners.’‎
Speaking with [the Turkish state-run news] agency Anadolu, he said: ‘We as an ‎institution refused to cooperate with any political conditions. We are committed ‎to the Palestinian and international laws and procedures, and therefore we ‎have rejected a number of projects.’ …‎
Quzmar noted that this project, which his organization refused to sign on its ‎conditions, ‘deals with defending Palestinian children who are being held in the ‎Israeli prisons, and taking care of child victims of social violence in the PA.’ …‎
Quzmar explained: ‘There is no problem in dealing with any condition that is ‎consistent with the law, but before any Palestinian or international institution or ‎organization is put on the terror list there must be a fair trial.’‎
He added: ‘We think that no fair trial was held before [formulating] the European ‎terror lists. On the contrary, they are the result of a political decision as part of ‎the Israeli pressure on the EU.’‎
Quzmar noted: ‘Among the Palestinian organizations that appear on the ‎European list are the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s military wing) that ‎were dismantled by the Fatah Movement (sic.), and also Islamic Jihad, the ‎Hamas Movement, and the Popular Front [for the Liberation of Palestine] ‎‎(PFLP).’”‎

[Anadolu, Turkish state-run news agency, Sept. 22, 2020]‎

Headline: “Abu Al-Einein warns not to agree to conditional funding while ‎aligning with the normalization plans of the occupation”‎
‎“The head of the Commission for Non-Governmental Organizations, Sultan Abu ‎Al-Einein, warned the non-governmental sector not to serve as a gateway to ‎normalization or marketing of programs aimed at eliminating our national issue, ‎embodied in the "deal of the century" and the normalization agreements by ‎agreeing to conditional funding or politically oriented programs, whose purpose ‎is to put pressure on our leadership and our people. Abu Al-Einein said that ‎some countries or international institutions are in intensive contact with ‎‎[Palestinian organizations carrying out] non-governmental activities, in order to ‎‎[make] them sign documents that may violate the principles of the Palestinian ‎people, in exchange for funding their social and cultural programs and ‎activities…‎
He said that the consent of some [Palestinian] NGOs to this conditional funding ‎would be a blow to positions that represent [our] resolve that have been declared ‎by the Palestinian leadership…‎
Abu Al-Einein again warned that consent to such funding is a betrayal of the ‎homeland and a deviation from the national line, something that will not go ‎unpunished. He stressed that the relevant parties will work to persecute ‎these organizations on legal and national level, and to expose those who ‎head them to the Palestinian public, which unites around its national ‎principles.”‎

[WAFA, the official PA news agency, Oct. 12, 2020]‎


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