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Palestinian scouts in Lebanon indoctrinated to seek destruction of Israel and be “a second army to liberate Palestine” “from the River to the Sea”

Secretary of the Fatah Scouts Office in Lebanon Khaled Awad: “As for [Israeli PM] Netanyahu, or the great stinker [former US President] Trump who was uprooted and left never to return, [PA] President Abbas told them: “Curse the fathers of the deal of the century.” (i.e., Trump’s Middle East peace plan) May Allah’s curse be upon them to the end of time! We won’t normalize [with Israel]. We won’t be with the normalizers. The liberation of Palestine is a national and religious duty, and we will liberate it from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, whether they like it or not.” ...

Narrator: “The Palestinian flag was waved high while accompanied by the scouts’ salute” ...

Palestinian scouts: “Our Palestine,
We won’t forget you
We won't accept any homeland but you…
We testify before Allah and history,
and we swear to you
that we will sacrifice our blood to reclaim you
Long live Palestine
and may we live until our victorious return.”

Palestinian scout: “The scouts are from all the age groups… from age 8 to an unlimited age… We are passing from generation to generation the love for Palestine, loyalty to Palestine, and defense of Palestine. We emphasize the statement of [PA] President Martyr Yasser Arafat that we are a second army to liberate Palestine, Allah willing, and we are following the path.”

The Trump peace plan – US President Donald Trump announced his Israel–Palestinian peace plan "Peace to Prosperity" – commonly known as “the deal of the century” - on Jan. 28, 2020. Main points of the plan: 1- Israeli sovereignty would be applied to the Jordan Valley and all Israeli towns and cities in the West Bank. 2- Jerusalem, including all its holy sites, would remain under Israeli sovereignty with accommodations made to enable access for Palestinians. 3- The remainder of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and part of what is currently Israeli land in the Negev, the Galilee, and Jerusalem - creating a territory almost equal in size to the West Bank and Gaza Strip - would form the Palestinian state, with its capital in neighborhoods in East Jerusalem that are outside of Israel's security wall. 4- The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, with Israel responsible for external security and controlling all airspace. 5- All Palestinian prisoners except murderers, and those who attempted or conspired to murder would be released. 6- Palestinians in refugee camps would be absorbed into their host countries and, subject to certain limitations, into the Palestinian state. 7- Before becoming a state, the Palestinians would have to carry out extensive reform of their laws and institutions, including implementing a new governing system; granting its people due process and basic human rights and freedoms; end all incitement to and incentivizing of terror; end all glorification of terror and martyrdom; disarm Hamas; and adopt a culture promoting peace. The goal of the plan is to create a Palestinian state beside Israel, living in peace and security. The implementation would be facilitated through extensive international investment. 

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