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Girl from Fatah calls Balfour “a traitor of humanity,” vows to “fight… with the blood of Martyrs” to erase Israel

Mayar Melhem: “[I am] the young poet Mayar Ahmed Ezzat Melhem, 5th grade. I will tell you the story of the Balfour Promise. Balfour, Zionist in thought and British in citizenship, gave Palestine to Zionism. He did not possess it, and thus the Jews also do not possess it. By what legitimate, human, or legal right did he give this wretched promise? He did an injustice to the Palestinian people, to the Arab and Islamic world with this wretched promise. He is a traitor of humanity. But the true Palestinian people fought this promise with all means and is still resisting and rejecting [it] with the blood of its Martyrs and its resolve until achieving its Palestinian state on all the soil of holy Palestine.”

Posted text of Facebook page: “The flower (i.e., girl) Mayar Melhem from the [Fatah Youth Institution for Young Boys and Girls] Qalqilya branch reads aloud for you the story of the Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration) on the anniversary of the wretched Balfour Promise.”

The Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2, 1917 was a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Baron Rothschild stating that "His Majesty's government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." In 1922, the League of Nations adopted this and made the British Mandate "responsible for putting into effect the declaration," which led to the UN vote in favor of partitioning Mandatory Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state in 1947. In response, Britain ended its mandate on May 15, 1948, and the Palestinian Jews, who accepted the Partition Plan, declared the independent State of Israel. The Palestinian Arabs rejected the plan and together with 7 Arab states attacked Israel, in what is now known as Israel's War of Independence.

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