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President Abbas expresses “sincere and heartfelt condolences” over the death of Hamas terrorist "martyrs"

Headline: “The [PA] president expresses condolences over the deaths as Martyrs of Osama and Yusuf Sobeh”




“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas spoke by phone yesterday evening [Sept. 28, 2021] with the families of Martyrs Osama Yasser Sobeh and Yusuf Muhammad Sobeh (i.e., Hamas terrorists killed in an operation to prevent an imminent attack) from the town of Burqin west of Jenin. He expressed condolences over their deaths as Martyrs. During the conversation the president expressed sincere and heartfelt condolences, and prayed to Almighty Allah that He wrap the Martyrs in His great mercy and have them dwell in the expanses of Paradise…


It should be noted that the two Martyrs ascended [to Heaven] early Sunday morning [Sept. 26, 2021] during clashes with the occupation forces in the town of Burqin.”

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