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PA Grand Mufti of Jerusalem invents history of Jerusalem which removes all Jewish ties to the city

Subject: the ongoing occupation policy of Judaizing occupied Jerusalem


Guest: PA Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Hussein




[Hussein, speaking about demolition of the Mughrabi neighborhood:]

”Even eye-witnesses from that time said that there were some inhabitants whose homes were destroyed over their heads, and they were buried under the ruins and the destruction...


And if we’re talking about Jerusalem in history – it’s a city that was built by the Jebusites. It was Malkizedeq who built this city. And therefore the Arab roots in the holy city go back more than 6,000 years. Afterwards the Islamic conquest came and reinforced this character, reinforced the Muslim, Arab culture, which was balanced and had enough room in it for other religions. Proof of this is in the Pact of Umar that approved all the religious and living rights to the Christians who lived in Jerusalem, and protected the Church of the Holy Sepulchre... The Israelis don’t want anyone in the city except for the Israeli occuppier or the Jew, and they also connect this by means of attempts at [invented] religious beliefs, the Promised Land and so forth, and the City of the Temple.’”

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