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PA Daily calls violent Arab riots in Jerusalem the "most important" thing and a "victory"

Headline: “Not moving, sitting in [Jerusalem]”





“In Jerusalem there are stories of victory coming one after the other, which are imposing themselves on the conversations everywhere…


News of the removal of the barricades from the Damascus Gate in occupied Jerusalem (i.e., Israel removed security barricades following violent Arab riots) was the main center of attention of the residents of Nablus. They recalled previous similar victories, including the removal of the metal detectors, which the battle over them broke out in July 2017 (see note below -Ed.).


In his store, tailor Abu Muhammad is constantly getting updated on the news coming from Jerusalem through his cell phone. Suddenly he excitedly says to his customers: ‘By Allah, the young people of Jerusalem are making us proud. Every day they are teaching us anew about their ability to hold on and triumph.’


The conversation in the store suddenly moves from the prices and the holiday preparations to the most important topic on the ground – Jerusalem, the [Arab] residents of Jerusalem, and the struggle against the occupier. The customers share their opinions with Abu Muhammad and support his words. One of the customers recalled the battle of the metal detectors at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and said: ‘Ever since the battle of the metal detectors and the victory of the young people of Jerusalem in the battle, I have been certain that every plan against the Al-Aqsa Mosque will not pass as long as these young people are alive.’


Fatah Movement Nablus District Secretary Muhammad Hamdan told [the official PA daily] Al-Hayat Al-Jadida that the residents of Jerusalem always arrive in time, and that their victory in the battle of the barricades at the Damascus Gate is no less important than their victory in the battle of the metal detectors and [security] cameras. He noted that the Nablus district and all the homeland’s districts are proud of the Jerusalem residents’ achievement


Hamdan added: ‘The residents of Jerusalem have proven to the world that they are the defenders of the dream, and that they are committed to the promise and are responsible for Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.’ He explained: ‘It was known in advance that the Jerusalem residents would defeat the occupier and its settlers in this uprising, like they defeated it in the past and will defeat it in the future.’”





The mention of "the removal of the metal detectors " refers to Israeli security measures at the Temple Mount, including metal detectors at the entrances, following an attack there on July 14, 2017, in which 2 Israeli border police officers were murdered by 3 Israeli Arab terrorists. On July 24, 2017, Israel decided to remove the metal detectors and security cameras it had placed at the site. The PA continued to demand that all measures including inspections at the entrances be removed, and Palestinians continued to riot. On July 27, 2017, PA religious leaders declared that all Israeli measures had been removed.

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